By becoming a supporter you help us to maintain the Swami Maheshananda Archives. A small monthly donation helps us to cover costs of hosting the website, and keep video and sound recordings free of advertising.
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Development Supporter
Development Supporters help us develop and grow the Archives. Your monthly donation helps us cover website costs and host more different kinds of content, upgrade our sound recordings, and translate content to different languages.
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Growth supporter
Growth Supporters help us develop and grow the Archives. Your monthly donation helps us host more different kinds of content, upgrade our sound recordings, create new video and host content in different languages.
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Help to maintain and grow the Archive
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Super supporter
Super Supporters help us develop the Kuvalaya project to its full potential. A monthly or annual donation lets us reach out to new contributors, create original video content, pay for upgrades to our sound recordings, host more kinds of content, and grow the archive to include Swamiji's lineage.