Ralph Hänel
13 supporters
My TENTH Podcast is Live - Memories of E ...

My TENTH Podcast is Live - Memories of East Germany at Radio GDR #coldwar

Oct 25, 2022

Radio GDR: "Welcome to our third installment of our interview with Ralph Hänel, Kung Fu Master, former Stasi prisoner and amazing storyteller. I am so glad you have enjoyed the first two installments, and Ralph and I sat down for a third ... Opening the Memory Box: Ralph's Corner GDR Museum."

Go to: 👉 https://www.eastgermanypodcast.com/ralph-hanel-part-iii-opening-the-memory-box-ralphs-corner-gdr-museum/

#eastgermany #berlinwall #coldwar #podcast #berlinwallshadows #gdr #coldwarconversations #storyteller #wingchun #wingtsun #daswingtsun #kungfu #interview

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