Hi! I'm Alex
Web developer and open source enthusiast from Ukraine. Passionate about creating solutions to help people.
Here are some of my projects
Node.js packages
@iconify-prerendered — A superset standalone icon-components for Vue with zero dependencies. Designed for ease of use and high performance.
vite-plugin-vue-chrome-i18n — A plugin for the Vite that extracts and scope translations from Vue Single File Component and combines them into a localization file for browser extensions.
Nano file system storage — A minimalistic, secure, type-safe, zero-dependencies, persistent data store.
unplugin-auto-expose — Plugins for automatic exposeInMainWorld. Easily export your exposed api from preload to renderer.
Browser extensions
Google Tag Manager helper — Allows you to easily select an element on any webpage and get suggestions for GTM triggers targeting the selected element.
YouTube forward timeline — Add fast-forward button to the next section into YouTube video.
Vite Electron Builder Boilerplate — Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla.
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