Your Support
⭐️ The easiest way to support me is by giving a star on Github.
🔧 You can help me to add new features or fixing bugs on Github.
📝 Improve the documentation by fixing missing or wrong information, typos, or grammar errors.
☕ Or buy me a cup of coffee to help me stay awake while I am coding, spend more time on the projects, and still pay my bills.
My Open-source Projects
@kolirt/vue-web3-auth - simple WalletConnect v2 integration package for Vue3 apps.
@kolirt/vue-modal - easy to use and highly customizable Vue3 modal package.
@kolirt/vue-timestamp - Vue 3 timestamp package.
vite-plugin-robots - plugin for Vite to generating robots.txt for production and development builds.
vite-plugin-robots - plugin for Vite to generating robots.txt for production and development builds.
kolirt/laravel-master-model - package that simplifies working with models, saving relationships, and uploading files in Laravel.
kolirt/laravel-settings - package for managing settings in a Laravel project.
kolirt/laravel-cacheable - easily cache and control class methods without having to remember cache key names.
kolirt/laravel-api-response - unification of API responses for Laravel projects inspired by telegram api responses.
kolirt/laravel-sitemap - sitemap generator for Laravel projects.
[IN PROGRESS] kolirt/laravel-telegram - telegram bot framework for Laravel.
Recent supporters

tingshuai bought 20 coffees.
thanks for your help😊

tingshuai bought 5 coffees.
thanks for your help😊

Marcel Fitzner bought 5 coffees.
Thank you for creating that nice robots plugin! :)

Min hyesung bought 5 coffees.
Thank you.
You save my life. punctual departure :)