April Freelance Opportunities

April Freelance Opportunities

Apr 29, 2022


I'm updating my LinkedIn profile after a wonderful workshop by The Writers' Co-op. I'm sure your profile needs some sprucing up too, so here's a few quick tips to implement today:

  • What do you want to do? Your LinkedIn should reflect what you want to be hired for.

  • Just like Twitter or any social media site, do some networking! It's not hard. Say hello to people, share your work, and congratulate people on new gigs.

  • Look expensive! It’s worth working with a designer or getting professional headshots to attract high-paying clients. You must have a profile and header image, or you'll look like a ghost.

  • Ask people to send you testimonials through LinkedIn. You can then use them on your website, and it builds your credibility.

  • Turn on the "Providing services" profile tab and add the services you offer to it!

  • Take a look at your settings. Make sure your profile sections are public. Change your LinkedIn URL and customize it to your name and what you do.

As always, thank you THANK YOU to everyone who sends a coffee my way!

Now let's get to the real reason ya'll follow me: the freelance opportunities!

April 1 graphic

April 1 (content)

April 16

April 9

April 23

April 29

Find more freelance opportunities:

I'm also working on an updated release of the Places to Pitch Trello board. When I raise $500, I'll release it for free to everyone. Your coffees support the many hours this work takes!


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