make LOVE not war

make LOVE not war

Jan 22, 2021

Wow, 14th February 2020 was the last time I got to perform this act on a live stage for 'It Takes Two' Burlesque Show hosted at the Courtyard Playhouse in Cape Town.  

make LOVE not war was born out of the idea that we are not one dimensional human beings, and regardless of what we do we should always be doing it with PRIDE! 

The opposite end of this performance talks about being forced to conform to an expectation and the constant struggle between trying to 'fit in' and trying to be authentically oneself. 

Either way, it's a performance I can't wait to share with you all soon, so if you want to catch a video of 'make LOVE not war', then I suggest you become a member coz that's where all the good shit goes :-) Whoop! 

Thank you for your support thus far I appreciate it on every level! 

Photos by Miss Hepburn Photography

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