Kimberly Palm
75 sostenitori
Important News from Kimberly Palm

Important News from Kimberly Palm

Aug 10, 2023

I hope you are enjoying the summertime and some fun activities. In case you are not on my website newsletter list here are some important announcements.

First announcement is my newest healing class is now available on Learnitlive. I taught this class live on 7/29 and you can now access the recording and watch it as many times as you want.

Self Healing With Water and Sacred Geometry

Learn how to use water and sacred geometry to heal your body/mind/spirit and also learn how we can all come together to heal the water on the planet.

What you will receive in this class:

- You will learn the true spiritual and healing nature of water

- You will discover how to heal all the water of the planet

- Learn how to use water to heal yourself, your family, your pets and your plants

- How to protect and heal everything you put into your mouth

- You will discover 3 sacred geometry symbols you can use for protection, empowerment and healing.

-Participate in a special meditation for healing, energetic power and protection.

-Learn a special daily routine using sacred geometry for healing and protection.

-Leave this class with new tools to help you heal and protect yourself, your home, your pets and your family and friends.

Live class is July 29th at 2:00PM PST (Los Angeles Time zone)

If you cannot attend the live class you can watch the recorded replay later on as many times as you want. People attending the live will get to participate in Q&A

Investment only $77 and you get a 15% discount if you are a LIL member

Register here:

 2nd Announcement, I am taking registrations for my

Women’s Healing and Self Care Retreat, next May 16-20, 2024 in Lake Cour D’Alene, Idaho.

If you sign up early, you will receive discounted pricing. Our retreat is filling up fast!

We had only 20 spots available but 9 people have signed up as of 7/22/2023 so now we have 11 spots available, so you will want to sign up as soon as you are able. I have already filled some of the spaces just by putting one post up on Facebook. We have 3 retreat facilitators total, including myself, Rev. Sarah Nash and Rosemary Levesque.

We will be working with you to help you renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit and we will also have a guest sound healer who will be giving you an amazing sound bath. If you go to our retreat website you can find out more about the facilitators, see our schedule of workshops and activities and you can register for this incredible retreat.

The investment for this 3 plus day event is only $777 if you register early. Most of my friends doing similar retreats are charging $3500 and up. We are making this as affordable as possible, while being able to recuperate the costs for the facility rental and our travel and other expenses. We will also be giving away gift bags worth up to $300 to everyone who attends.

 Hotels book up quickly in Cour D’Alene because it’s a huge vacation mecca for people in the Pacific Northwest, so do not wait to long to book accommodations or you will miss out. Here is the link to our retreat website so you can learn more and register.

 Another exciting announcement, I am now offering Sound Healing Private Sessions. These sessions are one hour long and are only $111. The first 15 to 20 minutes I will scan your energy body and chakra system to see what is blocked, then I will customize a channeled sound healing just for you. You will be able to record this on zoom so that you can listen to it as many times as you need for healing. I will be using singing bowls, tuning forks and my voice to help you heal. You can register for Sound Healing Sessions anytime you want without asking me, just go to my scheduling app and make an appointment.

I now have a new Youtube channel called, How I Heal Everything. This channel will be focusing on Body, Brain and Spirit Healing. I still have my spiritual channel, Spiritual Growth Journeys on both Youtube and Rumble and those will continue. But I do not cover health subjects on that channel.

This channel gives you all the ability to get health and healing information for FREE. It’s part of my service to humanity.

I have 3 videos up right now and plan to add new ones on different health topics each week. I also plan to have health experts on to cover different subjects. For example, I will have a Pelvic Floor expert on my channel in August to discuss urinary incontinence, sexual difficulties due to menopause and other bladder issues. Please check out my new channel and subscribe to it. Here is the link

And finally, I recently got certified by Jenny Lee to do Humble Healing sessions on clients. Humble Healing is a guided meditation modality where I assist you to work with our Creator to clear all of your traumas from this life and past lives from your body/mind/spirit. Traumas stay in your body and energy until you clear them out and can block every aspect of your life. Sessions are 60 to 90 minutes long and you can request a session through my website.

I am still offering my usual private spiritual counseling sessions which you can find out more about on my website.

Wishing you Peace, Joy, Love, and Health!

Kimberly Palm

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