Hi!Let's Talk!

Nov 12, 2021

In this piece, I'm covering Human Design, background and some questions and dreams. When I first started writing this, I had a different vision for it but this is what I felt like writing and so this is what I am going to be publishing on here. I invite your wisdom and reflections, your responses and experience (check the 4 points at the end)

I've been fascinated with the dance between defined and undefined centers lately. But over the past couple of weeks, my interest is being pulled towards the dance between sacral and non-sacral beings and between Generators and Projectors in particular. What they offer one another, how they can support one another and how they can just...dance.

I have an open head, so a lot of this is going to come in the form of questions. But first, let me share a dream I had when this all started. Or maybe let me rewind a bit further.

A Timeline

Second half of 2015: rollercoaster of life and emotion
December 2015: I found my spiritual path
March 2016: I quit my job
August 2016: My 29th birthday (I was pregnant)

(I realize the resolution isn't the best but hey, that's me)

Around that time, a good friend shared the concept of Human Design with me and said they knew I would really like it. I'm used to understanding things, and when I didn't understand Human Design, I parked it. And it would continue to nudge me to get back to it until I did. I still go through those phases, of studying a lot, then experimenting and experiencing, recording observations and then sharing them for reflections.

A Bit of a Background

In early 2016, I started dreaming of playful spheres of light traveling a path or a field of sorts, one would envelop the other, and the other would envelop another and they would play - they were two that became three. I hadn't gotten pregnant yet, I hadn't even met the father of my child.

Recently, I had a similar dream, of two spheres, one merging into the other, then the other encircling it and so on, they would play like that, it seemed very playful, it seemed like they were having so much fun.

This is what I imagine an aligned dance between a Generator and Projector would be like.

The Projector would now what to ask, when to ask, the Generator would know when to invite and how. It's not like they would always be yeses for one another, but I imagine it to become smooth, like the tightness of a band that plays together so rhythmically and naturally.

(side note: the person who introduced me to Human Design is a musician)

I've been feeling called to have conversations about:

  • Generator-Projector partnerships: when each honors their energy levels and availability, how does it happen that they maintain the relationship, if they're meant to maintain a relationship

  • Line 3 people and long term relationships

  • Sacral beings: Honoring a sacral no when the consequences/outcomes/byproducts of honoring that sacral no involve other people and confrontation (I have an undefined solar plexus)

  • Honoring strategy and authority as a parent, this is something that I thought about when it comes to work, when it comes to offering my services, when it comes to honoring my S+A - I like reading or consuming content for inspiration AND I'm often selective about it. What I would love to see more of is people sharing their experience and experiment as parents, as people whose actions affect not only themselves as human beings, but other people too.

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