Preview: Deep Sea Valentine Pixel Height ...

Preview: Deep Sea Valentine Pixel Heights

Nov 15, 2021

Apologies for the lack of posts lately, but uni has been kicking my ass. Nonetheless, it's finally time for a new preview post!

Remember the pixel art for Deep Sea Valentine? Here's what the girls look like:

I think the style still holds up, so I'm not planning to entirely redraw them like with so many other things, but there was one thing that always bothered me: They all have the same proportions!

This was particularly jarring in the case of Triche and Feli, our local short queens. So I've decided to make everyone's sprites reflect their respective heights:

I've also finally made pixel art for the girls' alternate outfits, two of which I can reveal right now:

This may or may not play a big role in an upcoming content update!

...And that's already it for this month. I'm really sorry this update wasn't bigger or cooler, but I will most likely get a surge of game dev motivation as soon as I'm supposed to start studying for exams. Look forward to it!

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