Coming up next week on www.getkidsintomu ...

Coming up next week on

Sep 12, 2023

Hello everyone.

I always find myself thinking of September as more of a new year than actual New Year in January. I have school age children, and it is my birthday in September. It’s cold in January, we’ve just had Christmas and all the money is gone after that every year. So I find it much harder to make new plans and stick to them at actual new year. It’s much easier to do that in September.

My children have been back at school for, well this is their second week. So I am spending the first couple of weeks planning for the new academic year, and getting used to this year’s new routines. If you visit my blog (web address in this post’s title), you will see my review of last Sunday’s performance by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain Children’s Band at Birmingham’s Symphony Hall.

I have spent some time this week reading about composer Caroline Shaw and listening to lots of her music as she is my Composer of the Month. A Factfile on Caroline Shaw will be posted on my blog late next week, so look out for that. A playlist of suggested listening will follow the week after, hence listening to lots of her music this week to decide what to put in the playlist- or rather what to leave out as I do love her music. What is your favourite Caroline Shaw piece?

And from one fantastic woman to another, I will be reviewing the book Change Sings by Amanda Gorman.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy reading more next week. image

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