Kernow Damo
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Scrapping the Northern Ireland Protocol ...

Scrapping the Northern Ireland Protocol is getting Brexit undone.

May 13, 2022

The Tories plan to scrap the Northern Ireland protocol, effectively bringing back No Deal to appease the DUP. Get Brexit done, my deal is oven ready said Boris Johnson, winning himself an 80 seat majority in 2019 and now it’s all blowing up over the Northern Ireland Protocol. What is the Northern Ireland Protocol Damo? Very simply, it was that deal that left Northern Ireland in the EU for the purpose of border checks, that border down the Irish Sea that was talked about so much, that thing Theresa May promised wouldn’t happen while she was bribing the DUP to prop up her government, but that Boris Johnson ditched when he no longer needed them. You might remember that May wanted a backstop, for the whole UK to remain in a customs union with the EU, but of course it wouldn’t pass in parliament. When she went and Johnson came in, his oven ready ‘get Brexit done’ deal included this Northern Ireland Protocol. He promised the DUP there would be no border checks, but of course we know the value of a Boris Johnson promise and of course it was a lie. Now of course, Johnson’s government want to rip up the Northern Ireland Protocol. He can undo this regulatory space between the UK and Northern Ireland, but there still has to be one between us and the EU – they want to protect the single market that we left and that requires a border. So we drew this border up ourselves and now we want to rip it up. The attorney General Suella Braverman has even said we can, because the EU’s implementation of it is unreasonable. We drew the border up ourselves, we signed the deal, it was oven ready, but we’re the ones getting roasted apparently! Of course when you sign deals both parties are expected to abide by it and the EU must be exerting a collective groan at the abject stupidity of our government once again rehashing this. It never has felt like Brexit has ever been done has it? Did you fall for Johnson’s lies in 2019? How are you feeling right now? If we throw this out, No Deal is back. You think the Cost of Living is bad now? You watch and wait if we end up in a trade war with the EU. So why are we even considering this? it's the DUP again, who want this protocol ditched. They are whinging like mad because they lost control of Stormont in last week’s local elections. Sinn Fein are now the largest party there and they want to keep the protocol because they know it’s best for their people, whereas the DUP dinosaurs are more obsessed with being treated the same as the rest of the UK. Despite Sinn Fein operating in the interests of Northern Ireland previously in a power sharing deal under a DUP First Minister, they won’t return the favour now and are demanding the protocol go as their price to get the devolved government running again. Seems instead of bribing them again, the Tories would rather get Brexit undone.

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