Taking Responsibility for Your Own Narra ...

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Narrative

Sep 02, 2021

The story we tell ourselves is usually inaccurate. Not only about who we are but also about who other people are. I was journaling yesterday about who I needed to forgive and an old friendship came up. Prior to journaling, I had been upset with this person & labeled our experience as "negative" because I felt betrayed by them. What I failed to be honest with myself about is that our experience brought out ugly truths about me that I didn't want to see or accept. They showed me parts of myself that needed work.

So was I really mad at them, or was I simply mad at myself?

Yes, I was genuinely mad at first. But the prolonged emotion and energy towards this situation was due to me being mad at myself.

I didn't realize that my reactive behavior was a reflection of my deepest wound = not being seen/heard. At one point, I felt like they saw me for who I was then all of a sudden, everything did a 180 switched and never returned the same. I was experiencing perceived abandonment and confusion because of their decision to walk away. Walking away was their absolute right to do. However, it didn't numb the pain that I felt from it.

Looking back, I now know that I can now free myself from the story that they're a horrible person. I can free myself from the story that I didn't matter to them. I can free myself from the story that our experience wasn't real in the moment. It doesn't matter whether it did or it didn't. What matters is that I am no longer centering THEM in MY story. I am no longer overemphasizing their importance in my past life. I am no longer attached to the false narrative I've created about them.

I am taking responsibility for how I tell my own story. I now know that I am powerful enough to rewrite my own narrative at any time based on my genuine truth as long as I am willing to be honest with myself about it.

So friends: What story are you avoiding being honest about and how can I hold space for you as you find safety enough to do so?



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