Last Bean beginnings

Last Bean beginnings

Mar 04, 2022

Hey this is Mac. I produce podcasts for a living. Last Bean in the Grinder came about when I was working my ass off and feeling down. I was in my kitchen with me dog grinding some coffee. One bean survived the grinding somehow? He just didn't get grinded down. I told my dog. I need to be like that bean. Life grinds away at you but you have to keep at it and grind and not be grinded. I wanted to make something you could start the day listening to to give you a little inspiration.... My dog didn't respond so I took this as meaning I should start a podcast. I made a logo in canva I tried to make it the ugliest logo possible. Let me know if you like it. Also, let me know what you think about the podcast - pull no punches. Hit me hard. Keep grinding.

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