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Wanting to talk about depression

Wanting to talk about depression

Apr 19, 2021

Depression is a depressive subject to talk about. Some people don't want to know about it, it makes them uncomfortable. Sometimes it hurts when you reach out for help and you get silence.

I have learned that the silence doesn't mean they don't care, it just means they haven't a clue what to say.

It's hard not to be hurt, and anyone who is having a depressive episode will probably take things the wrong way because they are feeling extremely vulnerable and sensitive.

But if you are the soul that is listening to the person who has depression, I feel your pain. Its not easy to hear. Most often than not you're not ready for the cascade of emotions, the heartbreaking words that spill out.

Maybe you're a friend, a partner or a stranger (yep I've done that). What can you do? Be the silent one? Try to help? Try to fix things?

From my own perspective, I am a long tíme sufferer of depression. It comes and goes, lasts a few days or sadly months. Every time I have reached out, I have expected nothing but a listener. I want nothing but to speak about how I feel, rational or otherwise. You could try to tell me what's good for me, what helps, but I already know it. I've done it, it worked.

But I have fallen away from these things because of something, I may not even know what it is. I have stopped caring about myself because all of my energy is depleted from caring for my family. So many things can knock me back. I have many issues 😁

So next time someone opens up to you, don't try to tell them what's wrong and what they should do, don't give them advice unless they ask. Just listen, be silent, be present, and a gentle touch or a hug (if it's accepted) can go a long way.

This advice comes from me, from my experience and perspective. It may not be right for everyone.

If someone you love, know or even don't know speaks about dying to suicide, then you have to listen and then act.

19th April 2021

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