À propos kazualex
creating open source apps
Hey 👋 I'm a french developer that create open source applications under GNU GPL license.
My main projects are a poll app for Slack and a Firefox extension :
- https://gitlab.com/KazuAlex/openpollslack
- https://github.com/KazuAlex/firefox-new-tab-page-container
Feel free to buy me a coffee to support free software :)
Donateurs récents
Someone a acheté un coffee .
Robyn a acheté 5 coffees .
Thanks for making this available!
Matt Motsick a acheté 5 coffees .
Thanks for creating/maintaining openpoll
polppol a acheté 12 coffees .
A dozen of coffees for you, I also fork your openpollslack to add many more fetures that normally you have to pay for over price subscription to get it 😅