How To Use Yoga Props (Lesson 3) - 18 Yo ...

How To Use Yoga Props (Lesson 3) - 18 Yoga Poses

Jul 07, 2023


Video 3: "Lying Down in Comfort: Yoga Props for Restorative Poses"

My third and final video lesson will explore the benefits of using yoga props in restorative poses.

From gentle backbends to hip openers and more, I will show you how to use props like strap and blocks to support your body in relaxing and restorative postures.

Whether you're recovering from an injury, sickness or just looking to unwind after a long day, this lesson is perfect for anyone seeking greater comfort and relaxation in their yoga practice.

If you have not watched my previous 2 video lessons, you may watch them now at below:

1) Lesson 1

2) Lesson 2

Please also find below some of the video links which I like to recommend:

1) Pigeon Pose Alignment Correction & Benefits

2) Bridge Pose Variations & counterposes

3) Yoga During Menstrual Period

4) Yoga for Hip Mobility and Flexibility

5) Chair Yoga For Hips

6) Yoga For Lower Back Pain

7) Yoga for Strong, Flexible & Healthy Back

8) Yoga for Menopause

9) Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance in Women

10) Yoga Stretch For Tired Legs

11) Seated Forward Bend Variations and Counterposes

To view videos that not publish yet or on private mode, please check it out for details HERE.

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel if you haven't yet.

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You are welcome to give me your support in my free work HERE too. Thank you!



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