I'm going live!

I'm going live!

Sep 02, 2024

Happy Labor Day Weekend. I'm excited to share that my site is LIVE!

I've been running Learning Circles online since January 2021 and I've used a few different platforms to organize them but I think I found my home here on BuyMeACoffee. Even though I don't drink coffee, this site allows me to manage the many things I offer including:

  • Learning Circles - a monthly book club with a self-study twist. I'll provide a curated list of podcasts and videos that match the monthly theme of the book and prepare thoughtful discussion prompts for the group to engage while building courage, compassion, and community.

  • Yoga-based Workshops - traditional yoga-based activities within community. These sessions are built to connect our mind, body, and spirit and are open to all bodies such as gentle stretching, mindfulness, meditation, chanting, and spiritual discussions.

  • Writing Workshops - gatherings to write, share, and build community. I'll pull an oracle card, read a poem, or offer some type of prompt to get our creative juices flowing then we'll all write before coming back together to share and discuss.

Join me on this journey and help spread the word to others who you think would want to be a part of the Write to Heal community. Reach out with any questions!

Be well,

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