Happy Sunday! Stream Schedule and More & ...

Happy Sunday! Stream Schedule and More <3

Aug 02, 2021

Hi friends <3

I hope all of you are having a great Sunday! Mine has been filled with TikTok filming, napping, and gaming and I'm really grateful for just how mild the temperature is today in Illinois. Also BIG NEWS I'm moving soon :))) so my brain has just been in planning and visualizing mode! This bitch is adulting!!

Here's the stream schedule for this week! I plan on announcing my schedules through BuyMeACoffee moving forward.

Monday - PM Hours (7:30pm start time) : Flow Arts and Gratitude Stream - What are you grateful for?

Tuesday - AM Hours (11am start time) : Art Stream - Either digital or traditional, it's a surprise! LOL

Wednesday - AM Hours (10am start time, must end by 12:30pm) : Rising with Monster Hunter Rise

I continue to grow despite my weaknesses. The expectations that others have for me have nothing to do with me. All moments of rest are necessary, even though I may feel shame for not being productive.

Fave YouTube Videos of the Week!

Here's some of the content that I watched this week, check it out!

Got thoughts? Throw em in the comments of this post <3




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