Hey 👋 there! My name is Kate Smith, although if you've found your way to this page, you probably already know that ;)
I am a singer, composer, and workshop leader, and I am passionate about transforming our relationship to the body by creating music - and facilitating collective music-making - for voices and bodies in motion.
If you'd like to support my work and help me get the message and the music and the making out to more people, I'd greatly appreciate your support. You can donate here, and learn more about me at www.KateSmithMusic.com.
What is “The Embodied Voice?”
The Embodied Voice is a practice that brings together movement and singing in order to help us live more joyfully in our bodies and minds. Developed over many years, drawing from a diverse range of influences from somatic movement practices to theatre and dance, The Embodied Voice offers a holistic vision of how the voice can serve to bring us back to ourselves.
While we do improve our vocal ability by developing the connections between voice and body, the aims of The Embodied Voice don’t stop there! By singing, moving, and creating, we nurture our mental and physical well-being, our self-expression and creativity, and our connection and collaboration with others.
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