À propos Kalmes
Fighting For Truth, Within and Without...
Donateurs récents
Ella a acheté 3 coffees .
You sound good Gene
Thank you Ella! Every day I fight with technology and every day I am livid at technology but without it I would not have 3 coffees from you. Thank you.!!! I need to stop and have one and give up on ending all. I'll try again tomorrow. My editing program decided to change everything I had just learned. Thanks for ...grrr. Bahumbug.
LisaDC1963 a acheté 3 coffees .
Thanks for uploading Kim Goguens videos. she has been deleted from YouTube and even Rumble. Hope this donation helps a little.
If you look at my hundreds of videos on Odysee, I want you to notice I strive to be transparent, open and honest. By establishing this branding of myself it allows me to be good, bad and ugly. I think people appreciate that. It's even more interesting than someone who is always trying to look like CNN. The kids call it being real. https://odysee.com/@SavetheWorld:3 https://odysee.com/@PetConspirac...
See Through Geno
Jan 31, 2022
196 Vues