Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Jan 11, 2022

We must have done something wrong! Or maybe not...

So we started off the new year with a bang. Actually... it was New Years Eve. Just when we thought our little YouTube channel was gaining a tiny bit of traction, without any notice whatsoever.... it was GONE.

No warning. No strikes. No prior violations. And certainly no explanation!

The hours we (ok and to be clear I really mean Noemi here) spent editing and piecing together our video journey so far just vanished like that! The entire YouTube channel is gone! We must have done something wrong? Or maybe not...

I guess content like a mom and daughter on a journey through Mexico isn't the quality content YouTube is looking for these days. Nope. Too syrupy sweet maybe. Gilmore Girls anyone? I digress...

Luckily all our videos are saved, and our journey continues forward:). We won't give up like that!

So if you missed the chance to take a peek into our little travel adventure, and you'd like to see these forbidden videos... fear not! We have them saved (phew)!. And... not only that... but we will release them right here to share with our beloved members and supporters :). We'll also continue to make new stuff, but we won't be posting to YouTube any longer (boo!).

We hoped to continue telling stories, and so maybe this is an opportunity to switch platforms and do it a little differently! More written content, more photos and just more to come in general. Here we are on New Years Eve all dressed up for 15 minutes ;). Not pictured is when the heels came off, and we switched to beach attire to catch the fireworks by the light of the moon near the ocean! It was fun to dress up even if just for a brief moment! So stay tuned... and join in on the fun! When you become a member, you get to see all the good stuff!

Take it easy and see you again very soon!

-N & S

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