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My Acid House 3 is released today! = https://beautyanddisgust.bandcamp.com/album/my-acid-house-3-2 If you buy the album today ONLY, the money will go to me! (Any other day, half the money is taken by Bandcamp = Boooo!) So please get it today! ;-)
My Acid House 3
Sep 03, 2021
176 Vues
Here's a hot piece of pop by the always excellent MSP = https://msp-music.bandcamp.com/track/town-to-town I mixed and mastered it, as well contributing guitar, backing harmony vocals, percussion and a bit of synth.
A hot piece of pop!
Sep 02, 2021
147 Vues
I'm guest-guitaring on this track from the debut album by Grimmates = https://stridenteinc.bandcamp.com/track/red-for-never-feat-justin-paton