Right Before You Get What You Want...

Right Before You Get What You Want...

Jan 14, 2021

For the last couple of months my body has been out of sorts. My blood sugar levels, even with medicine and changing of diet, would not drop into non-diabetic numbers. I had to take more and more medicine just to go into a more normal range.

Yet, I kept blessing my body and reminding it it is not diabetic.

Finally, today, I woke up to non-diabetic blood sugar levels. I stopped taking medicine a few days ago and have just been taking some supplements I was led to take; eating things I was led to eat; and checking my body's stress levels.

This is only the beginning. Right before this I was disappointed that my body, which is normally a great partner, had not been responding the way I wanted it to. Disheartened even. I really didn't want to be bound to medicines anymore. I didn't want my energy zapped after a bit of activity. I didn't want brain fog. I didn't want any of the things that came along with higher blood sugars.

But I kept pressing into a glimpse of what I saw over 6 months ago: me continually checking my sugars and they were perfect.

While it's not there yet I see it coming now more than ever. I had a breakthrough today and am rejoicing over it. Finally, what I want is unfolding and manifesting. I almost gave up but followed my hunches instead.

Don't give up! What you want is around the corner. Follow those hunches; eventually you will get what you desire when you faint not.

Recommended resource: Moving Forward Is Easy, Once You Shatter These Lies

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