I am someone who cries a lot. “Too sensitive” is what I have heard growing up. All of us handle things differently, in our own ways, and my way is to cry through the experience. It is my first response to anger, frustration, or any form of stress. People say that it is good to cry but I feel they haven’t cried as much as I have and if they did, they wouldn’t say that. It feels bad to cry, ...
All the places I’ve cried at
Jan 30, 2023
I thought I'll post this on my birthday but well the year is ending and I became nostalgic. So here goes: Eat alone in a cafe. Try it, but don't force it. I would ask fat/plus size women like me to just try it. Because you will observe your relationship with food, your body, with other strangers who are NOT staring at you (trust me). It is an experience in itself. You can also try drinking alone i...
What I learnt in 2022.
Dec 27, 2022