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Welcome Back, My Friends, To The Show Th ...

Welcome Back, My Friends, To The Show That Never Ends!

Jun 05, 2024

We're so glad you could attend!
Come inside, come inside!

That song has been rattling around in my head for weeks now. Literally weeks. It feels like the story of my life lately. It's on a cyclical pattern of pain, relief, and then horrible, agonizing pain. I'm working on it -- I am -- but it's just such a struggle at times. There has been more than one occurrence where I have wanted to just throw in the towel on this life cycle and start over. Usually when I get pangs of a migraine yet again even though I have meds for them now.

I'm blathering on, though. Really, I wanted to connect with you folx. I know the summer is a rough time for a lot of us, and I want you to know I'm here for you. If you need a shoulder to cry on; a big, squishy hug; or even just someone to bounce thoughts off of, I'm here for you. I've been around the block a few times, so you won't shock me with anything you need to get off your chest.

We're all in this together. It's high time we help each other, and I have no problem offering the proverbial olive branch. I'm so sick of being in competition with everyone I know. That's not how I thrive, and I have a strong feeling it's not how others thrive, either. We thrive by supporting one another, lifting each other up. I want to be that for all of you, as you have been there for me so many times before. You all keep me going -- just having you in my life and loving me helps me -- and I long to be able to return the favor.

I'm throwing myself into menopause about 10 years early (at 41) by the removal of my ovaries this past April, thus completing the total removal of all reproductive organs. To celebrate, I went with my Mama to see "Menopause: The Musical", and I couldn't have been happier with the experience. It was the perfect send-off to my Mother aspect of my Maiden/Mother/Crone life cycle. I'm ready to embrace the Crone -- the wise old woman who knows when to keep her mouth shut and when to whip out with wild words of magick.

My writing projects are not languishing. I'm working on them, early early in the morning when I wake up at 2 AM and can't think of anything else to do. Best time to write! It's quiet (there's road construction right outside our windows during the day), it's cool (the temperatures are reaching triple digits this week), and it's dark (migraines hate light). I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a romance writer. No matter what genre I start off in, there always ends up being a romance plotline somewhere in the story. Oh well, it could be worse. I could be writing romance novellas about velociraptors or toasters.... If you don't know, you don't want to -- trust me. Just take my word for it, they exist, and they're awful (but hilarious).

So that's me, a snapshot on June 5th, 2024. What's going on with you?

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