$5000 for Restaurants

$5000 for Restaurants

Apr 12, 2023


Since 2021, the Restaurants Care Reilience Fund has awarded grants to 788 independent restaurants throughout California. That’s 788 burger joints, taquerias, bakeries, and more at the heart of our communities. 

Many of these restaurants represent family legacies and life-long dreams. The average time in business is 9.7 years, with nearly 80 restaurants operating for more than two decades. Check our our 2021 and 2022 grantees!

In 2023, we will offer a spring granting cycle and a fall granting cycle. We anticipante helping an additional 366 restaurants. Grants are $5,000 and are powereed by generous donations from SoCalGas, PG&E, and SDG&E. Apply between April 15 – May 7!

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