Freak of Nature | Now Fully Funded!

Freak of Nature | Now Fully Funded!

Apr 16, 2021

We did it! Thanks to generous support from all of you, we hit the standard goal and the stretch goal! Now "Freak of Nature" can be fully wrapped for post-production, sent out for film festivals, and hopefully reach so many more people!

I truly cannot thank each and everyone one of you who funded this project enough, but I'll try really quickly right now! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

Now, for the details and frequently asked questions that came up during the campaign!

Q: AH! The project is funded but I wanted cute rewards! Can I still buy Crackers?

>>A: Yes! All of the Rewards will be open until May 2nd (With possible extension depending on demand) and then all of the physical goods will be shipped out during July!

Q: When will we get to see the film?

>>A: The shortest answer is May 8th! This will be the premiere of the film at the Computer Animation Senior Show of 2021, which will be streamed online as a one time viewing and showcases all of our films! For those who supported the film and provided an email, you will receive updates as that date approaches as well as a link to the show! After that, the film will eventually make its way to online video platforms for viewing after it runs through film festival circuits. So while there isn't a definite date for my films public release, know that the film will be release to the public between this coming fall and winter, or possibly even the spring of next year.

Q: Why did you use Buy Me A Coffee? (Or BMC for short.)

>>A: I used BMC because this is where I'd like to keep commission and other content for purchase for the foreseeable future, where as other platforms are kind of a one-and-done kind of situation. I also really liked BMC because no account creation is necessary, and payment is flexible and secure.

Q: Can I support you outside of your film?

>>A: Yes! Soon, I'll be posting more and more of my creations on this site like sketchbooks, comics, and other exclusive works that won't be posted anywhere else. A few commissions options may pop up here and there, alongside with a membership option if you'd like to support me over time! (Memberships get cool discounts, too! Woohoo!)

Q: What's next for you?

>>A: Oh boy. There's a lot of stuff in the works. Mostly I'll be applying to studios and companies like crazy, but will also be taking more time to improve my animation skills and posting more on social media! Maybe I'll even take a day off! Huh? Wait, what do you mean weekends and evenings aren't actually for working??

Alright, I think that wraps up most of everything, really. Thank you all again and I love you all to the moon and back <3

More updates are on the way, and I'll talk to you again soon!

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