Personal reflections

Personal reflections

Jan 09, 2022

Personal Reflections on My Own Sacred Journey

I’ve had several amazing people share time and stories with me at my Farmer’s Market booth over the years, and thought I would share one here. (I am an artist and have a series of Divine Art notecards and illustrations as well as several nature-inspired coloring books .) This story is from a couple summers ago.

I’m always mindful of sharing my Light and my Joy as I spend time in my community. In fact, I set just that intention at the beginning of each farmer’s market. I’m blown away by how sweet it is to have someone be drawn into my little booth space and then share beautiful, inspiring and sometimes raw stories with me.

A memorable story from today - I had a gal drop into my booth that I vaguely recognized from a previous market.  She took a few minutes to look around as I was helping another person check out, and then reminded me that she had purchased a Salish Sea coloring book for her grand nephew. 

She shared that he was five years old and had really enjoyed the book when he came to visit.  He is autistic and sees and shares his world experience in unique and thought provoking ways.  I was so engaged as his Aunt told me how he sees his surroundings - The genuine and enthusiastic interest in her voice as she described how much she enjoys just sitting with him and letting him express himself was beautiful. She was in awe of this young man, and it was contagious. Not only was she ALLOWING of him, she absolutely CELEBRATED his uniqueness. I felt inspired from our conversation and it reminded me how important it is to not only Allow others the space to be who they are, but to Celebrate the fact that we are all just who we should be in each moment.  

Sometimes where a person is at during a specific time in their lives is puzzling for us - their choices or behavior can be difficult to reconcile with who we are and the life we are living.  This is especially true as we navigate this extremely challenging, yet amazingly rich and transformative time on our planet together.

I am finding it so helpful to remember that we are all doing beautiful work as we live our stories. Someone else’s story may not particularly resonate with us, but that person’s journey is no less sacred and beautiful because it is not choreographed or orchestrated to our tune.  In letting go of judgement and offering our Love-light at every opportunity, we are holding space, sacred space for the expansion of growth and understanding for All.

Today’s story also reminded me that there are as many ways to view a single situation as there are people on the planet.  How a five year old views what he sees instructed his Great Aunt, and through her, it instructed me.  Beautiful collaboration. Beautiful sharing.

Blessings and Joy


If you feel my stories and experiences will add to the journeys of those you are connected to, please feel free to share this post and the message abundantly with its' original unaltered text only.

Please site the source. Thank you and blessings - Christie

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