Violence, Speed, Momentum!

Violence, Speed, Momentum!

May 21, 2021

Hey everyone!

Won't take up too much of your time, just saying the "Darkness Falls" manuscript is coalescing much better than I anticipated! 16 out of about 22 chapters (so far) are quite solid-- this includes rewrites and stuff.

That said, I am pushing "Journey of the Shadow" harder (the violence part lol) for visibility, because the LAST thing I want is "Darkness Falls" to be D.O.A. I'm literally a one-man-army behind the entire project, and marketing is obviously cutting into "writing time", which means delays...delays...DEE-LAYZ.

Either way, I appreciate you guys support (immensely) and patience as I'm building momentum and the necessary funding for "Darkness Falls" to be a thing.


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