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Jonah Asks is a Podcast

Jonah Asks is a Podcast

Aug 24, 2021

Jonah Asks is a podcast about being human. Connection is something we all need but many of us don't think about enough. Identity is a concept that isn't always easy to define. What makes us who we are? When, how and why do we change? How much of our concept of the self is defined by other people? These longform interview-conversations are a way to address big picture topics I'm interested in. Childhood. Family. Trust. Use of technology. Creativity. Connection. Parenting. Books. Music. Culture. Politics. Each talk is unique in that each person I talk to is unique and what makes each of us human is distinct and yet also universal.

I've now been making this podcast for 10 months.

I'm hoping to keep it going for a long time.

Any contribution helps.

If you'd rather not donate money. sharing the podcast with others and/or subscribing to the podcast is appreciated.

Keep Breathing,


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