Starting a Blog and YouTube Channel: Fin ...

Starting a Blog and YouTube Channel: Finding Inner Courage

Jan 07, 2023

You’ve had this idea for a while now. You’re thinking about starting your very own blog or YouTube channel. Why? Maybe because you want to combine your passion(s)/interest(s) with writing or filming. Maybe you just want to document or vlog your interest(s)? Or, maybe you’re trying to create platforms to help others with a challenge?

There are a variety of reasons why someone thinks about starting a blog or YouTube channel. That’s just a portion of the very long, always changing, and never-ending process of TAKING ACTION and continuously working.

But that’s the part where most people get stuck on…taking action. It’s one thing to think about doing something. It’s a completely different thing to take the initiative to start it. Why is it that people don’t take that leap of faith? One of the many reasons why is probably because people lack that courage and self-confidence to start a blog or YouTube channel.

”I don’t think I’m good enough”, “I don’t have the skills to create a blog”, “I don’t know how to edit”, “what if I fail?”, “what if no one reads my posts or sees my videos?”. So many questions, self-doubt, and lack of confidence. It can be disheartening and cause anyone to avoid starting a blog or YouTube channel.

I know for me, this was the case. I’ve always loved writing and traveling. Ever since vlogs became a thing on YouTube, I’ve always wanted to vlog my travels. However, all the questions, self-doubt, and lack of confidence lead to me not having the confidence or courage to start a blog or YouTube channel.

Ever since 2015, I’ve always wanted to write about my travels, my experiences, and to share tips and things I’ve learned along the way to help others do the same. Plus, I wanted to vlog my travels when I studied abroad in London. But I was too nervous and shy to do that. Fast forward to 2020, I finally found the courage to start my blog and YouTube channel.

It was a long and hard process, battling my own issues and trying to work on my self-confidence so I could pursue the things I want to do. The important thing is I FINALLY stocked up the courage and confidence to put myself out there and start my blog and YouTube channel!

Here are some of the things I’ve done which helped me to build my confidence and I hope that it will help you as well:

  • Do the research - what do you need to do to start a blog or YouTube channel?

  • Reach out to others who have a blog/YT channel - they’ve been in your shoes and can offer some great advice on getting started!

  • Read a few blogs - get an idea of how they’re structured, see the layout, and get ideas of how you can create your own

  • Watch a few videos/vlogs - look at how they’re edited and created. What about them makes it engaging, entertaining, informative, and inspiring?

  • Say some positive affirmations - be kind to yourself, give yourself some credit, and encourage yourself. You can do it!

  • Take it one day at a time - you’re not going to know or learn everything in one day. Take one task at a time and continue to build on it until you have a published blog or YT channel

  • Learn new skills - I didn’t know how to run a blog or edit videos. I learned how to do that and you can too! Lots of blog posts, YT tutorials, and feedback from other content creators can help

  • HAVE FUN - this is something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s always a learning process but learn to have fun along the way. Trust the process, create things you love, and be kind to yourself when things don’t go your way

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