Meet Felipe-

Apr 16, 2023

Meet Felipe- the son of a 92 year old woman that Cup of Love delivers meals to on Sundays. Felipe, in his 60's, is a hod carrier - he hauls stone and mortar for a brick mason. His mother told us about him wanting to start attending worship services but hadn't because he had no clothes except tattered jeans.

We outfitted him with Sunday attire. Felipe went to church last Sunday and sent me this message...

"I feel happy, I've already worn your tie that you gave me, I never wore a suit in my life, it's beautiful, thank you very much, God bless you".

THIS is Cup of Love.

Today is our 104th consecutive Sunday of delivering meals to the aged... IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY TODAY! We're two years old.

I've never served desserts before because that's not what we're all about - but I couldn't resist a two year birthday celebration and today baked an oatmeal and raisin cookie. Along with an entree of roasted chicken quarters, a fresh garden salad and an orange.

You're invited to help us celebrate our birthday any way you care too.. Currently we need bean seeds.. ask for details if you're able to send pole bean or bush bean seeds. immagine

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