About Johnny FD
Hey there, thanks for watching and following along in my journey. A few people have asked how they can do something nice for me directly, whether it be buy me a cup of coffee, beer, or cheese burger or otherwise support my journey. I do love coffee and drink multiple cups a day, but whatever you send may also go to food, as ya'll know I love to eat. Thanks for your love and support!
1x Coffee as a thank you.
3x Coffees to make my day!
5x Beers for a Night Out!
10x Beers and it'll make my week!
Now available, 1 on 1 private zoom calls. Ask me anything you want about YouTube, Ukraine, Living aboard, Travel, whatever you want. Book it under "Extras" here: buymeacoffee.com/johnnyfd/extrasOr learn more about phone coaching here.
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