Web Site for my viewers and friends in P ...

Web Site for my viewers and friends in Progress!

Sep 02, 2022

We are in beta stage creating a web site to share all data, take in all community data, responses, schematics, plans, shared skills and any helpful results to share too all, We plan find the best things you can buy, recycle, save and use to cut your cost, and cut your dependence on the rotten NEW WORLD order, Fake Money Printing hucksters, War Mongering politicians, Great Reset scammers & lunatic ran system!!

*Web site I created on my own domain, is in construction phase, I ain't no internet tech, so its step by step and it just got hosted for growth and is at https://www.mydcvolts.com so look for it to develop. It is a Olympic Power Controls Project, and will be ALL ABOUT cheap affordable uses and creating, Off Grid options, Self Sufficient methods, All Battery types and methods, Solar Power, Wind Power, Hydro, Fuels, Safe Water, Food Production and many Energy making applications plus building anything possible with the reuse, discovery and reapplication of the strangest materials and unrestricted methods.

Still raising funds to get it done, but as promised, it's in process! Share, donate and get on board.

The goal, getting in control of YOUR power, YOUR safety and YOUR independence as a outcome. And have a free community of same thinking discussions. Your Sex, Creed, and origin is not relevant, don't make it a issue. Your talents, logic and independence from government controls, industry controls, social controls and ending fear of their unyielding power is what matters.

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