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Todd Benton ha comprado un coffee .
Hey John,
This code is great:
However, I would like some help customizing it for my theme. The table doesn't show up. I tested it with the Storefront theme, and it works there but I don't know how to make the customizations to make it work with the Pro theme from
Can you give me a hand? I'll buy you more than a coffee. Thanks.
Tom ha comprado 2 coffees .
Works beautifully. Thank you so much for your codes! This worked much better than the POS paid plugin we got.
Wasn't able to edit my comment so here goes for helping others:
Edited the code for Youtube Shorts and added a class to add a play icon onto the thumbnail:
videoArray[i] = videoArray[i].replace("", "");
$(this).attr('src', videoArray[i]+'/hq2.jpg');