Über Joseph Lukacovic
Game Servers, Infrastructure, Hosting, Development
My name is Joe, and I manage multiplayer servers and infrastructure for Quake, netquake.io, and OpenTTD. I do this in my spare time since I have had a passion for these two games for more than 20 years. Although the cost of development is just time, the cost of the AWS infrastructure to host the websites and multiplayer servers is money which I have been paying for a while now out of my own pocket.
I set up this account in case there are people who get enjoyment out of these services and care to burden some of the costs as well.
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Thom hat 5 coffees gekauft.
Thanks :)

rambo[RuM] hat 5 coffees gekauft.
Thank you efess
Everyone else please join us for CTF on ohio.quakeone.com:26003

Someone hat 5 coffees gekauft.
I'm obsessed with Quake 1. Please give us Registered CTF 👀