Indie tabletop games!

Indie tabletop games!

Jan 24, 2023

Ok, so here goes. I am an indie game dev from Sweden. I develop games in my spare time. I work full-time being an educator in game design at Uppsala University, in the Department of Game design, I've been doing that since about 2004. A few years ago I started actually self-publishing my various projects, and I mostly publish under a Creative Commons license through my page ( ).

I feel really weird about charging money for things, I don't really believe in the whole idea about capital and money and what it does to our social relations. That said, I am still trapped in the gut of the beast, so to speak. I need money. I work for a living. I dream of being able to spend more time developing and creating games for the community, hearing what you all like about them or feel are off with them. If I was able to spend less time with my day job (that I actually do enjoy, don't get me wrong) I could dedicate more development time to my games.

So, if you like my games, my creations, my funky little doodads, and you wanna see more of them, please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee :)

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