Jim Lutz
13 supporters
Live tomorrow from Orlaaaaandooooooo!

Live tomorrow from Orlaaaaandooooooo!

Jun 27, 2023

Hi friends!

I've got one more week with the Beetlejuice tour before a month-long layoff. That month is already filling up like crazy, and I think this summer is going to go by quickly.

I'm going live for a special Wah-Wah Wednesday tomorrow, since we have 2 shows on Thursday. I'll be setting everything up tonight in the hotel room and will plan to see you tomorrow at 1pm Eastern!

I've been hard at work writing music for Circus Smirkus, and part of that process (as with any project like this) is that sometimes the first version of a cue or a song isn't quite what the show needs. I have one such piece that I made for Trapeze, but it was a bit too dark and heavy for the scene. Patrons $5 and up, stay tuned for an exclusive sneak peek at that piece, and the one they ended up using!

Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Thanks as always!


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