Standing For Righteousness

Standing For Righteousness

Feb 12, 2022

As Pastor James Kaddis states

When a nation takes its eyes off God, they allow themselves to be given to bondage. Because God is the only one who gives us freedom. He did this through his Son Jesus

When a nation takes its eyes off of Biblical principles

When a nation chooses to despise the things that God’s word teaches us and turns it’s back on God

Then you will see that nation go toward socialism, communism, and you will experience a loss of freedom.

Because if they don’t care about God then they most definitely don’t care about your freedom.

Christians are supposed to be the preserving influence.

The Salt and Light to this world.

We are supposed to be the watchman, we are supposed to be sober and we are supposed to be calling them out.

Jesus is coming soon and that is exciting to Christians.

But We are called to stand up for righteousness in the midst.

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