A bit about Jeri’s Brain Dump

A bit about Jeri’s Brain Dump

May 01, 2021

Welcome! You’ve found my blog and podcast site. Now that you’re here, let me give you a bit of information on what this space is about and where I’m coming from. 

I often do “Brain Dumps” or verbally puke on people. I have so much going on in my mind and such a huge stack of journal writing that I decided it was time to pull it all together in one place and share it with others. Those who know me understand me and know if I start a story it’s going to be detailed and maybe even go off on tangents! Being subjected to one of my gabfests can be very entertaining. For some, it may be stimulation overload and at times, me and my words are a lot to take in. I am keenly aware that I am similar to Tigger in the Winnie The Pooh books, written by A.A. Milne. I pounce with hyper excitement when I am with people I love and I’m sure I share more than my allotted word quota in any given time frame. They say “fools talk just to be heard”. I don’t know who they are but, hope you find that’s not the case with me. I try to hold back but have so much I want to share and a deep desire to connect with others. 

I invite you to jump into the pool of swirling words that are in my mind and take a journey with me through my personal experiences and thoughts. Hopefully the stories will touch you and make you feel. We live in a time where we are glued to phones and computers and are somewhat distracted and distanced. Connecting and sharing feelings is sometimes hard. 

My biggest desire is that you will find my words relatable in someway. I hope they will bring you joy, make you question, feel agitated, make you cry, gain a new perspective, cause you to chuckle and entertain you. You may even come to the conclusion that I am “one sandwich short of a picnic” and that’s ok. 

Read or listen with an open mind and be gentle. This is my heart and soul in black and white or on a podcast. 

Thank you for visiting my blog and podcasts. Please don’t forget to give a star rating and feel free to leave a kind comment or share what has meaning to you with someone else. Words have a magical way of changing peoples lives and you never know if someone needs to read or hear what’s out there.https://jerisbraindumpblog.com/blog/

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