About Jeff Chappell
writing every month (at least) -- mostly fiction and memoirs.
Wandering whilst Wondering -- a.k.a jeffchappell.com -- is where I like to write. Fiction, nonfiction, short stories, memoirs -- even my first novel (which is mostly written) is in the works. Why Wandering whilst Wondering? Well, when I let my feet wander where they will, my mind often wanders too … and wonders. In fact, some of my best ideas happen while I’m out wandering in the woods. Then I come home and write them all down, then -- after copyedits of course -- they all get copyrighted and published right there on jeffchappell.com Huzzah.
Recent supporters
Hey there. Just a quick not to let everyone know that Wandering whilst Wondering -- a.k.a jeffchappell.com -- will launch soon. Next month -- July at the latest -- I should have it ready to go. There is still plenty to do -- I've been going over stories that I wrote in the past (some going all the way back to college in the late '80s, yikes!) and getting them ready to see the light of day, so to s...
Coming Shortly ...
May 28, 2021