Refactoring My Capstone Project

Refactoring My Capstone Project

May 15, 2022

During my time as a student at devCodeCamp, I decided to build a web application that focuses on connecting tech companies to video professionals who focus on producing video tutorials as my capstone project.

As a result of spiraling through ideas and currently working on a #buildinpublic project already, God placed in my heart to refactor the capstone project and finish it to where it is an MVP that people can start to interact with and use. So as any obedient servant of the Lord, I listened and started the refactoring process.

  1. Created a New Github Repo and Created a Next.js App with TypeScript


The original web application was built using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) and this time around I will be building it with the following tech stack:

  • Next.js + TypeScript

  • Tailwind CSS + Tailwind UI

  • Chakra UI

  • Supabase

So far it has been a smooth sailing experience. I am hoping I can get all the main puzzle pieces put together so I can really focus on connecting the dots by working on a state management implementation and establishing a scalable backend that includes an efficient and secure authentication process.

To get to an MVP in a matter of days, I am tag teaming Tailwind CSS with Tailwind UI to build the frontend in a lego brick style workflow. I highly recommend it if you are looking to bootstrap when time is not your friend (kind of like the situation I currently find myself in.)

  1. Working on the Home page of the Application


Started to also add the grid area that will house some of the most popular and highly-rated video creators on the platform.


So what is next?

  • Create & Implement a 'How It Works' Section

  • Create & Implement a Footer Area

  • Create a Flowchart of how the Sign-Up process will work for both Companies and Creators

  • Create the Remaining Pages:

    • Video Creator Directory Page

    • About Page

    • Profile Page (for both Company & Creators)

    • Login + Registration Pages (I think I might make this a modal)*


If you want to support any aspect of this project, feel free to buy me a cup of Flow State Coffee by Noowave. I will also make sure to add your name to a Supporters page within this project.

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