I maintain multiple popular open-source projects, and if I can be of assistance to you, you can buy me a coffee.
react-codemirror | react-md-editor | react-json-view | react-color | react-signature | react-monacoeditor | react-textarea-code-editor
Rehype Plugins
rehype-attr | rehype-rewrite | rehype-video | rehype-ignore
Github Actions
changelog-generator | github-action-contributors | github-action-package | generated-badges | markdown-to-html-cli | create-tag-action | github-action-modify-file-content | github-action-read-file | action-ejs
I am a frontend development engineer, involved in backend development work for some Node.js projects. In 2014, I started to engage in open source work during my spare time.
For nearly 10 years, I have been contributing to the open source community, with close to 300 code repositories and publishing over 500 packages through npm. In the past year, these packages have been downloaded nearly 60 million times on npm. Currently, I am on the verge of unemployment, having received almost no donations in the open source field. Nevertheless, I continue to dedicate my time and energy to contribute. Therefore, I plan to explore a career change within 1 to 2 years, but I will still actively participate in open source sharing. To me, it has become a habit as natural as brushing my teeth every morning. Open source sharing is an integral part of my life, and I am enthusiastic about giving back my knowledge and experience to the open source community.
I love open source and still have a passion for the work I do. Keep going!
Sostenitori recenti

basketball_gm ha offerto 10 coffees .
I finally got tired of how bad and inconsistent the built-in browser color pickers are, and @uiw/react-color seems like the best color picker library out there, so thanks for that!