New Painting - The Machiya

New Painting - The Machiya

Apr 25, 2024

Originally home to a folding fan artisan, this 100+ year old machiya was revitalised as a holiday rental in 2016. We stayed here to get a sense of daily life in a quiet Kyoto neighbourhood and of course I just had to paint it.

In this artwork I use the following Procreate brushes:

  1. Round Wet Brush - For detailing, highlights and shadows

  2. Flat Vertical Brush - For covering large areas of paint leaving a blocky texture (check out the street and brown wooden wall on the left)

  3. The HB pencil - This is a default Procreate brush found under the sketching section. It's great for well, sketching :)

If you've purchased my Essentials Brush Pack in the past I want to say thank you.

You can check out how I drew this in my latest video - Drawing a Japanese machiya in Kyoto Japan with Procreate

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