By day I'm a public servant for the Australian Government... by night I'm a maintainer and developer working to make PaperWM the best scrolling tiling window manager around!
Please see my patreon page if you'd prefer to contribute continually (for as long or little as you like):
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Michael Root ha offerto 3 hot chocolate .
This is the best extension of all time! On an ultrawide monitor, I couldn't live without it.
Joe Brockmeier ha offerto 5 hot chocolate .
I find PaperWM to be perfect for working on an ultra-widescreen monitor where I have lots of width but not a lot of height to work with. Other tiling schemes just don't work well for that. Please keep up the great work!
Tark ha offerto 3 hot chocolate .
I've been daily driving PaperWM for a few months now and it has made my workflow so much better. Regular tiling just feels awkward after trying this. Thanks for all your hard work!
Fyre ha offerto 3 hot chocolate .
This is a game changer for Gnome. Amazing.
Thank you for your time and excellent work!
ps not sure the first one went through so had another go at it. If the first one did, excellent you double down :) Appreciate the work