About Jay Myers
helping VoiceOver artists & audiobook narrators
When I was starting out in VoiceOver and at many points in my career I've spent far too much time, money, and/or stress just trying to figuring things out on my own. So here are all of the things I wish I had known sooner, some of my brilliant ideas, my spectacular failures, and everything in between.
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Keith is now a member.

Someone bought a coffee.

Brett bought a coffee.
Thanks for your thoughts on my sample about Buster Bear. It's interesting to think about the stage versus an intimate setting. I stand in my booth and undoubtedly make myself big (especially with this story). I'm intrigued by thinking about the intimate setting of being by a bedside (although my kids and I might have bounced out during storytime occasionally). I will give idea a try with the hope of maintaining good energy while making space for some "gliding by" for some images. Thanks again!

Carol Egan is now a member.