Black Leaders Series | Rosa Parks

Black Leaders Series | Rosa Parks

Jun 05, 2021

The fight for racial equality in America was not an easy road. Throughout the decades, exceptional African Americans stepped up to organize a movement that transformed the face of America and promoted equal rights for all people. This series of posts feature inspiring quotes from those great black leaders - who are to be remembered forever.

Even before taking her famous seat on the bus, Rosa Parks was actively involved in the Civil Rights Movement. She worked beside her husband to organize meetings and raise funds for the NAACP. On December 1, 1955, she took a seat in the front of the negro section on a Montgomery, Alabama bus. As the bus filled with white passengers, the driver demanded that she give her seat to one of them. Parks refused and was arrested for violation of the state’s segregation law. Her actions on that day ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

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