Sep 20, 2021

IG Stories can be a bit intimidating, but this list can help YOU can CONQUER it!

Create great and helpful stories with these prompts and get massive engagements.

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Alright, Let's go!

1. What makes you feel most accomplished?

2. If you could have tea with a fictional character, who?

3. What's your favorite way to waste time?

4. If you had a robot for the day, what would it do?

5. What trends did you follow when you were younger?

6. What's the longest rabbit hole you've been down?

7. What is the worst advice you have given?

8. What's your most random piece of useless knowledge?

9. What are three fun facts about yourself?

10. Is there any product that you couldn't live without?

11. Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?

12. What is your idea of the perfect day?

13. If you could change anything about yourself, what?

14. Where are some unusual places you've been?

15. What did you want to be growing up?

16. What's incredibly cheap that you would pay more for?

17. If you could do anything, what would you do?

18. What's the oldest thing you own?

19. What is the best room in your house? Why?

20. What was the most amazing physical feat you've done?

21. Who makes you laugh the most?

22. Do you like carefully planned or go with the flow?

23. Would you say you're an extrovert or introvert?

24. What's something not many people know about you?

25. What still makes you cringe when you think back on it?

26. What's your best example of easy come, easy go?

27. What's one thing that can make your day better?

28. When was the last time you worked incredibly hard?

29. What do you consider to be relationship deal breakers? 30. What event in your life defied explanation?

31. What is the most difficult thing you've ever done?

32. If you were to choose one way to be disciplined, how?

33. What was the last thing that made you smile?

34. What was cool when you were young but isn't cool now?

35. What activity instantly calms you?

36. What would be your ideal day?

37. What makes you really angry?

38. What is your biggest irrational fear?

39. What is something you are obsessed with?

40. What's the hardest you've ever worked?

41. Do you think your priorities have changed?

42. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"?

43. What's your most controversial opinion?

44. What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful?

45. At a party, where can someone find you?

46. Who is the most creative person you know?

47. What did you Google last?

48. What is the strangest gift you have ever received?

49. What do you think are the best traits to have?

50. How long can you go without checking your phone?

51. How comfortable are you speaking in front of people?

52. What's your dream job?

53. What makes you the happiest?

54. What's the most amazing true story you've heard?

55. What motivates you most in life?

56. Who is most influential in your life?

57. What is the biggest risk you've ever taken?

58. What were you certain of until you you were wrong?

59. What current trend makes no sense to you?

60. What does success mean to you?

61. What makes you most proud?

62. What talent do you wish you had?

63. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

64. What's the last thing you do at night?

65. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

66. What would be the title of your memoir?

67. What's on your bucket list?

68. What do you think you do better than 90% of people?

69. What's quickly becoming obsolete?

70. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

71. What's the scariest thing you've ever done and why?

72. What was the best invention of the last 50 years?

73. What three things do you want to be remembered for?

74. What was the biggest realization you had about yourself?

75. What are you most proud of in the last year?

76. What current trend makes no sense to you?

77. What does success mean to you?

78. What makes you most proud?

79. What talent do you wish you had?

80. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

81. What's the last thing you do at night?

82. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

83. What would be the title of your memoir?

84. What's on your bucket list?

85. What do you think you do better than 90% of people?

86. What's quickly becoming obsolete?

87. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

88. What's the scariest thing you've ever done and why?

89. What was the best invention of the last 50 years?

90. What three things do you want to be remembered for?

91. What was the biggest realization you had about yourself?

92. What are you most proud of in the last year?

93. What are you interested in that most people aren't?

94. What makes you feel discouraged?

95. What moment in your life would you relive?

96. What do you do to get rid of stress?

97. If you were to remove one social media app, which?

98. What's something that everyone can agree on?

99. What is your favorite weekend activity?

100. What is the silliest thing you've posted online?

That's all 100! WOW! 🤪

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Question Credit: imdanthomas

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