Jason Leow
110 sostenitori
Safe Distancing SG - site closure

Safe Distancing SG - site closure

Feb 23, 2023


Bittersweet FINALE update to site to announce site closure - https://safedistancing.sg

Thanks for all the support, folks! It’s been awesome running this site. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Just wanted to say: Word can't describe how grateful I am for your support on Buy Me A Coffee for the past few hard years.

Your support mattered. A lot.

But with the site closure and no other new social impact projects, I don't feel I should continue receiving donations from my monthly and yearly subscription supporters, so I'll be switching off those yearly/monthly subscriptions within the next 1 week.

I mean, the site will still be live. I won't take it down yet. It's great to archive and for remembrance. All my other projects are still up. I can still continue receiving coffees anytime. It's just that I wanted to give my supporters a polite way to step down from the financial support. I'm also iffy about continuing to receive money when I no longer update the site and have no new social impact projects in the pipeline. Costs for domain etc continue though... so I will just have to absorb them.

So this #socialimpactpatronage initiative comes to the end of a season. A pit stop for indefinite period. At least until I can find another meaty social impact project to work on.

It's a bit of a bittersweet finale. That's the kind of territory from building these social impact projects. You don't aim for product longevity if you can help it. The ideal outcome is that the social issue is solved for good, the vulnerable group you're serving no longer exists, or had moved out of their challenging situation. In this case, it wasn't through my effort alone that we no longer needed Safe Distancing SG. The whole country had moved on, and the use case simply faded away.

Ending a product is a good outcome, in such circumstances.

And I'm grateful for it. For having the opportunity and privilege to build it, and to end it.

Thank you for everyone who lent a hand. Till next time, comrades. ❀️



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