About James Donald
I am primarily a weaver using Scottish materials, including merino lamb's wool, Shetland yarn and other locally-sourced fibres. Based in Edinburgh, I trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Dundee before establishing PickOne in 1997. For a number of years I have released regular collections of hand woven collections for both you and your home and currently sell through direct selling events around the UK. Over the past few years I have developed a teaching practice from my studio near the picturesque Shore area of Leith, Edinburgh. This creative practice has expanded over three studio spaces and I currently host day, evening and weekend weave classes, where I work with students to achieve making beautiful cloth using a variety of looms, but specifically 4, 8 and 16 shaft table looms. I also have an Open Access Studio space in which weavers can hire equipment, specifically a 32-shaft Megado with two beams, plus studio space, on a month-by-month basis. I have recently set up a pay it forward fund. This was set up in response to students commenting - more so, since we have come out of lockdown in 2020 - that the experience of weaving has helped build community as well as helped with other issues that they may be experiencing. It is my intention that through setting up the PickOne Pay it Forward fund that others may experience the value of community through weaving from the PickOne studios as well as to assist with general wellbeing. Any monies raised through the "Buy Me Coffee" scheme will go towards this Pay it Forward fund and therefore assist others who feel they would like to make use of this creative and inclusive socially aware fund. Additional information about the fund can be found at the following link - https://www.pickone.co.uk/donate Thank you and I hope you will consider this idea worthy of buying a coffee. Best Wishes James :)
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